Ficus Lyrata or Fiddle Leaf Figs as they are sometimes called are beautiful large-leafed houseplants that grow up to 10'+ indoors. In addition to the larger leaf variety, there is also a compacta variety that grows smaller leaves about 6"long. Ficus lyratas are usually available in either a bush form with leaves along the entire stalk of the plant or a tree form with leaves just at the top of the main stalk.
Ficus Lyratas do best with some direct sun or very bright, indirect light. Make sure to ease the plant into full sun (if it has not been) so it does not receive a sunburn. Insufficient light causes small leaves and the leaves to drop. Rotate the plant frequently to keep the plant growing straight and make sure light gets through to each side.
Water thoroughly until water comes out the bottom of the pot. In full sun, allow the top 30% of soil to dry out between waterings. If the tree is receiving less light, allow the top 50% of soil to dry out between waterings.
An ideal range is 60-80 degrees. It's best to keep the plant away from heating or cooling sources to prevent leaf drop or damage.
1x/month during it's active growing season (spring-fall).
Western Africa, from Cameroon west to Sierra Leone, where it grows in lowland tropical rainforest