Mother Probiotic Potting Soil
Like a healthy gut for us, healthy soil for plants is full of beneficial living microbes.
A diverse microbiome gives your plant tools to make healthy decisions. By teaming up with 800+ species of microbes in our Mother Culture, your plant can mine nutrients, improve its defense system, resist drought, and handle temperature fluctuations.
Mother worked with farmers and soil scientists to bring this bag to life, and handcrafted it all on their farm in a rainforest in the Pacific Northwest. Mother is a complete living organism with everything your plant needs to grow up happy and healthy.
Mother Culture
The mother culture is a mini rainforest grown at a farm for several years. This mini ecosystem contains a high genetic diversity of microbial species that act as the probiotic for the soil.
Biochar is a carbon-negative amendment that microbes love as a home. Biochar also has superior aeration and water-retentive properties.
Worm Castings + Green Compost
Worm Castings and compost feed the beneficial microbes that produce, store and slowly release nutrients for your plant.
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